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Listen to 98.6

Listen to Ain't Gonna Lie



Question 67 Yutakiato Asks: Hello Mr. Keith. i am a 60s-sound-lover from japan. i have so much enjoyed your 'aint gonna lie' CD. and i have been expecting your third album 'adventure...' to reissue on
CD. i have one vinyl that i bought in a  secondhand record shop last year (lucky to me for it is hard to find) and it's my best favorite one. i think your 'adventure' sounds very wonderful to me and also to people of today. i ask you to reissue this album. and if you have any plan, please inform me! i'm waiting 'alone on the shore'. thank you.


Hello Yutakiato, I'm glad your enjoying my music and thanks for the kind words. We're hoping to have the  "Adventures" CD out there sometime soon. Thanks Again for your interest.


Question 66 Charles Asks: Who played bass on Ain't Gonna Lie and 98.6?

Hi Charles, Joe Macko. Thanks for your inquiry.


Question 65 JD Asks: Hi Keith, I met a guy named Chuck Wheeler in Tucson in the 80s - he told everyone
(and stuck to the story for years) that he wrote "98.6" and sold it to you.  I never had reason to disbelieve him, but now, in the age of the internet, I see that it was written by G. Fischoff and T. Powers.  Do
you even know Chuck, or did one of the two writers have a reason to assume a different name and move to Tucson?


Hello JD, No.......That gentleman was not in any way involved with writing "98.6". I think he was just having a little fun with you. George and Tony are still alive and doing well. Thanks for your Question.


Question 64 Mike Asks: Hello, I'd like to know who played bass guitar on the single 98.6? Thanks much.

Hi Mike, That was Joe Macko. Thanks for your question.


Question 63 Roy Asks: HI Keith After all these years, i still love 98.6. A really great "feel good"  song. I heard you are planning to tour this year, do have any bookings so far and will they be posted on your website?

Hi Roy, Well, Thank You very much. I'm talking with some promoters at the moment so we'll see what happens. And "Yes" they will be posted on the site. Thanks for your interest.


Question 62 Barbara Asks: How did you come up with the 98.6 lyrics?  What do they mean?

Hi Barbara,

 I didn't write "98.6". It was written by George Fischoff and Tony Powers who also wrote songs for "Spanky and Our Gang", "Jay and the Techniques" and many others. The song refers to your body temperature and in this instance to the fact that this girl has made me feel normal and well.

Thanks for your Question.


Question 61 Ruth Asks: I saw your web site & would like to know if you remember Jimmy Cunningham?  He was my nephew and one summer day in 1967 or 1968 you and Jimmy visited me at my home in Northeast Philly.  Jimmy died in 2001 while living in Florida.  98.6 was one of my favorite songs and when I hear it played on the radio I realize that I am not alone. Thanks, Ruth Cowart -My husband's name is Ray and maybe Jim talked more about him than me.

Hi Ruth,

How could I ever forget Jimmy!!!! He was the first person to take me into the studio to record some of the first accapella songs I wrote. We had a wonderful relationship and he was an unbelievable individual. I'm very sad to hear of his passing. I'm sure he's putting smiles on all of the faces in Heaven. 

Thanks for getting in touch.


Question 60 Keith Asks: Did u enjoy Clifton as a kid?

Hello Keith (great name by the way), I will always have a warm spot in my heart for all of the wonderful times and memories of growing up in Clifton Heights. It was a small community where everyone knew each other and it is where it all started musically for me.

Thanks for your Question.


Question 59 Tom Asks: Hey Keith. I'm a British fan of yours (I have the CD on RPM and a few singles, but I could never get the albums before). I love your first album in particular, my favourite track (that wasn't a single) is Mind If I Hang Around - what's yours? Also did you know that a British band called The Bystanders had a hit with 98.6 in the UK at the same time as you? Yours was bigger though :-) And is The Adventures Of Keith ever going to be out on CD? Thanks!

Hi Tom,

My favorite would have to be "Ain't Gonna Lie" because it was my first big hit. I heard about the Bystanders version but I have never heard it. I suppose sooner or later there will be a CD version of the "Adventures" album even if I have to do it myself which is something we're mulling over at this time.

Thanks for your Question.



Question 58 Jerry Asks: Hi Keith, I had a ball listening to your 2002 WGN interviews. I am a big fan of Ain't Gonna Lie. I am from Chicago and was wondering . What was the highest position this song attained on the local charts?   Didn't your Mother ever tell you there's no such word as ain't and gonna? I got a kick out of your reference to making coffee for generals. Do you believe your year in the Army hurt your career. I was also wondering where all the other draft notices were disappearing for our other well known recording artist of that era. I really enjoyed your web site and by listening to your interviews and watching your video clips you appear to be a guy that never got too wrapped up in himself.  Thanks for all the great music. Good luck with your future endeavors.

Hello Jerry, "Ain't Gonna Lie" was a top 10 record in the Chicago area or maybe even higher because the record broke in Detroit and was No. 1 there. Thanks for your Question.


Question 57 Elizabeth Asks: Can you tell me what the band's name was when Ray Witham
played.  How long was he with your band?


Hi Elizabeth, The band was called Keith and the Wild Kingdom and Ray was with me for 2-3 years until I stopped touring. Thanks for your Question.


Question 56 Dorothy Asks: Just saw your Web site (someone had told me about it.) 
Every time I hear anything about you, they always say "from Upper Darby."  I grew up in Clifton Heights and am pretty sure you lived around the corner from me.  I lived on North Sycamore and I thought you lived on Baltimore Pike, same side as Williams Funeral Home (and across the street from the Dairy Queen.  You lived in those "high up" houses on a hill...right?  I was younger than you, but I remember when 98.6 came out and they said "Upper Darby" how angry I used to get.
 Hi Dorothy,
        I lived on the N.W corner of Baltimore Pike and Springfield Road on top of what was Mc Graths Market, directly across the street from Beck's Drug store and the Republican Club. As you can see, if you checked out any of the "Ask Keith" answers or any of the radio interviews, I always
mention Clifton Heights as where I grew up and spent some of the greatest times of my life.
                                                              Thanks for your question !!!


Question 55 Bill Asks: Keith, I don't know if you remember (or want to) back to 1968-69 when you did the set breaks for my band Friends of Whitney Sunday at Lou Turks club south of Philly. We were from Albany, NY but had local player Joe "Snake" Hinchliffe on trumpet and guitar.  I always enjoyed your tunes. Lots of miles ago, and lots ahead. Best to you!
 Hello Bill,
        How could anyone ever forget the "crazy" times at Lou Turk's !!!! And I also remember the band. You guys were great. I believe I was doing a three piece acoustic thing at the time with guitars and a congo player? I think "Snake" later went on to play guitar for "Orleans" if I'm not mistaken.
                                                Good to hear from you and best of luck !!!


Question 54 Veefriends Asks: Keith, Having been a Bobby Vee fan for many years I discovered that you recorded a song written by him called "In & Out of Love". Can you tell me the circumstances surrounding your discovery of that tune? Thanks!

  Hi Veefriends,
        I was recording for Frank Zappa's "Discreet" label at the time and my producer on that project was Denny Randell, who wrote a lot of the "Four Seasons" hit songs. He found that song and thought it would be good for me to record. It's still one of my favorites. Thanks for your question!!!


Question 53 Chad Asks:  I've made my living in music since I was a teen in the 60s! Only a hand full of singles helped establish the direction that drives me and my positive approach towards "pop"! The joy in your recordings still lives today and continues to influence many of us! Love the AINT GONNA LIE  collection on RPM! Great use of horns!! I'm music director these days
for Delaney Bramlett...check us out...delaneybramlett.com or www.chadwatson.us, I'd also like to locate a CD of THE ADVENTURES OF KEITH! Do you sell them online or should I just go to AMOEBA here in Hollywood? Keep up the great work in TV! Bass wishes this EASTER WEEKEND!

 Hey Chad,
          WOW, I still have a "Bonnie and Delaney" album in my collection. I'm sorry to say at this time the "Adventures of Keith" has not made it to CD yet, but I made one using a program called "Super mp3 Recorder" that I downloaded off the net. I check out Ameoba frequently myself and it's very rare to find any of my records there. EBAY always has at least a half a dozen or so of my records up for bids so you may want to check that out. Great to hear your doing well and thanks for getting in
touch and the kind words.


Question 52 JAMRUA ASKS: Keith, I was just putting some of my favorite artist of the 60's names on the
net, and to my surprise, here you are. Great to see you are recording again. Any chance of seeing you live again? With PBS doing theme shows, you would be a perfect fit.

         There aren't any immediate dates set for the KEITH " BIC" tour. (Before I Croak), but when there are CASSANDRA, my web queen, will be notifying the world. The PBS idea is a good one. I will investigate. Thanks for visiting and remembering.!!!


Question 51 Nickdapoet Asks: Keith, 98.6 is one of my favorite songs of all time! My question is are you British, or American? Thanks!

 Hey Nikdapoet,
        I'm American. I was born in Philadelphia, Pa. Thanks for visiting and your question !!!


Question 50 Jeff Asks: Hi Keith, I just won a yahoo auction which was a copy of 98.6 with an original cover on it. How old were you when you had that picture taken. I have always love the song 98.6 and am glad that you have a nice little website in honor of you. Thanks for many good memories of when growing up.

  Hi Jeff,
        I was 20 when those photos were taken. They were shot in Chicago on my first trip to Mercury Records head quarters. The album cover photos were shot in New York city inside a recently demolished building in the heart of the city. I'm glad you still enjoy my music. Thanks for visiting and your question!!!


Question 49 Cojo Asks: when I was very young, I had a record album from you. It might have been the first album. Since then, its been years since I've lost it. I do have the next album you did. I was lucky to find it at a record convention. Will you have a cd on your albums? I really loved the first one. Just wondering if its available.

 Hey Cojo,
          Yes, you can get both albums and all of the singles that weren't included on a just released 27 song CD out of the UK on E-Bay. Good Luck and Thanks for your Question !!!


Question 48 John Asks: I was raised on this record having 2 older sisters 6 and 8 years older who always had their record players turning. When I was young I used to asked what ever happened to Keith...you never hear anything.  Somewhere I heard that you went into the recording studio recorded 98.6 never to be heard of again. The way I heard it you wanted to record this song so you went into the studio, recorded it and no one ever really knew who you were or where you went.  Ever heard this rumor before?

Hello John,
             That rumor could be in reference to my first record on Mercury which was "Ain't Gonna Lie". I recorded that song with then independent producer Jerry Ross and never heard anymore about that session until 6 months later when I heard the song on a local Philadelphia radio station, WIBG. Jerry had landed an A/R job with Mercury records in New York city and had put the song out. I had moved and they had no way of contacting me until I got in touch with them and the rest was history. Thanks for your Question !!!


Question 47 Shardik Asks: I remember an album with just you on the cover on it. Where is that one?

Hi Shardik,
            All 3 of the albums I have recorded, two on Mercury and the one on R.C.A, have my "mug" on the cover. I don't know if that helps but...........Thanks for your Question.


Question 46 Tuna Asks: Hi Keith, first if I may....probably the happiest moment and most
memorable in my childhood (I swell up every time I think about that day!) was a bright sunny day.
I was walking home from the candy store (Saturday allowance burning a hole in my pocket!)
in Kingston, Ontario kicking stones and singing 98.6 over and over again. It's one of those songs I can't "get out of my head" nor by the way would I want to! Thank-you forever for that song - it will be heard
the day I lay down to rest!!

My question is how did you feel lip-syncing on "Where the action is"? Is it weird? I know I would certainly have a hard time doing it with a straight face. I imagine they play the song fairly loud when they're taping don't they?

Hello Tuna,
           Well, as you may be able to tell by my "antics" on the video tape pieces that are on the site, It was tough to really take seriously and to keep a grin off my face. You are correct in regards to the audio volume
which wasn't made any easier, as I recall, due to the fact that we were outdoors. Thanks for your Questions and your kind words !!!


Question 45 Mook Asks: Did Keith ever enter a Paul McCartney look-a-like contest in
the mid 60's,and if so, was he the winner of the contest?

Hi Mook,
            No, I never had the opportunity or occasion to be in such a contest. I did however have a chance to meet Paul at the "Bag O' Nails" night club where he and the rest of the "boys" would come to relax after recording songs for their "Sgt. Pepper" album. Thanks for your Question!!!


Question 44 Keith Asks: Will your LP's ever be available on CD? Also, do you do concerts and/or have an itinerary?

Hello Keith,
        (I really like your name) I would like to hope so. You can find, on occasion, " The Best of Keith" CD,
which has 27 songs (Both "98.6/Ain't Gonna Lie and Outta Crank" albums, plus various singles that weren't on any of my albums) on E-Bay from time to time. No upcoming gigs to speak of presently but when I do it most definitely will be posted on the website. Thanks for your questions!!!


Question 43 Stephanie Asks: Is he still doing Judge Judy?
Hello Stephanie,
        Yes, I'm still working with the wonderful Judge Judy. We are in the middle of our 8th season and
under contract until 2006!!! (With still, I might add ,the highest ratings ever imaginable).
Thanks for your question!!!


Question 42 Jake Asks: Hi, I have a yahoo web group devoted to 60's garage bands that were on the
Virginia peninsula ...there was one band around here called the Wild Kingdom-on your site. I see pics that say "keith and the wild kingdom band"...and one of those pics was taken at the Virginia beach home-is this the same wild kingdom that originated in Virginia?

Hi Jake,
        Yes, the "Wild Kingdom" you are referring to and the group on my website are one and the same. I was promoting "98.6" in Cleveland in 1967and after a day of doing so, went with the head of A and R for Mercury Records, my label at the time, to a local club to relax and hear some music. It was here that I was
mesmerized by the band performing that night and had to have them as my backing group. We met and talked and a couple of weeks later in New York City, they came on board. Thanks for your question!!!


Question 41 Marty Asks: I was curious to see if you were still around after all these years...glad to see everything's cool. I grew up with the 60's music and like the pop song 98.6. I know you had a few other releases...Ain't Gonna Lie came out in '66 I think...but I never heard it since then. I take it that one did
not sell too well. Where did you begin your career and where were your songs recorded?

Hi Marty,
          Yes,  still alive and well !!! I still hear "Ain't Gonna Lie" every couple of months or so on our Oldies station, KRTH, but not as much as I do "98.6", most likely because it wasn't as big a hit. I started singing
and writing at the age of 15 and performed in variety shows and plays while in elementary school. Mostly all of the songs on my first 2 albums were recorded at Bell Sound, a recording facility on 52nd street in New
York City. Thanks for your questions !!!


Question 40 Bill Asks: Do you have any fans under 25?  I'm a 21 year old that likes all kinds of music, and "98.6" is one of my favorite songs of all time.

Hey Bill,
         I would really like to think so. Some of the greatest music of all times was written and recorded back in the 60's and 70's. My newest and possibly youngest fan is my 2 year old granddaughter who listens and
dances to "The Adventures of Keith" on a daily basis. Thanks for your question !!!


Question 39 Parker Asks: I am a morning radio announcer for 96.5 The Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I would like to ask Keith who he likes in music today, bands, solo, etc.? And, who does he stay in touch with that is of celebrity notoriety?
Hi Parker,
        I like to listen to all sorts of music. From older Jazz classics like Lee Morgan, Charlie Mingus and Stanley Turrentine to the groups and music of my era to the 80's alternative styles and on to the sounds of the last decade. I still have over 6000 albums and roughly 1000 CD's of which my newest favorite is the "Queens of the Stone Age". Thanks to my website,WWW.KEITH986.COM, I have heard from a lot of the people I toured with during the mid and late 60's and that has been great.
Thanks for the questions !!! 


Question 38 Packdup Asks: What was the name of your band when you did the song 98.6?

Hello Packdup,
        I was a solo artist at that point and time, having departed from the "Admirations", the group I was singing lead for and with whom we recorded our first major release with on Columbia Records. A short time
later when I needed a touring band I recruited the services of "The Wild Kingdom" a rockin' band out of West Virginia that I saw performing while on a promotional tour in Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks for your question!!!  


Question 37 Gary Asks: Hi Bazza!  I've been a fan of yours since "98.6" naturally.....I can NEVER tire of hearing that song!  I remember seeing you on WHERE THE ACTION IS those many times and was wondering if you have any of the old shows or clips on videotape?  I've been in contact with other
artists who were on the show and some never knew they were available.  I've even helped some of them get those clips.  THANKS!! Gary

Hi Gary,
        I have, as of last week, gotten in touch with Dick Clark Productions and they are locating my appearances which we will be adding to the site as soon as I receive them. Thanks for being a fan and your question !!!


Question 36 Raven Asks: Is Bobby Hebb still living, and if so, where is he and what does he do now?

Hi Raven,
         The latest info I have on Bobby Hebb comes from Barry Scott, the creator and host of "The Lost 45's" radio interview show, which I did a couple of months ago. He told me that Bobby is alive and well and living
in the Northeast around the Boston area, still performing and doing commercial jingles .I also heard from other sources he has dabbled in politics of some sorts. Thanks for your question !!! 



Question 35 Dude Asks: Hi!  98.6 was one of the touchstones of my musical life.  I have the single and the album, but (due to living in a backward part of the world) never even saw your other albums.  Do you ever consider selling your stuff direct from your web site?  New versions of your favorite old songs, along with new stuff?  I'd certainly buy one!
 Anyway, THANKS SO MUCH for your music.  Your song got me through some hard times!
Hey Dude,
        Thanks for very kind words. I'm glad to have been there for you. As we speak we are in the process of duplicating to CD format some of my original unreleased recordings that I will have for sale on the site in
the very near future. Thanks for your question!!!


Question 34 Joe Asks: What was the name of your band who recorded "98.6" with you and what were the members names?

 Hey Joe,
         The musicians on all of the songs I recorded for Mercury Records were the "A" list studio guys at that time. Artie Butler played all the keyboards, Vinnie Bell played guitar, and various drummers were used, Bobby Gregg being the most frequent. Irving Spice and his ensemble did a lot of the string work and the horns were also all the top notch players in New York .
                                                    Thanks for your question !!!


Question 33 Soulbraker Asks: Are you on any of Zappa's commercially released recordings? 

 Hello Soulbraker,
         Unfortunately, I didn't. He did however sign me to his label, "Discreet Records" where I recorded and released a series of singles. Denny Randell who wrote many of the Four Seasons hits produced those songs ." In and Out of Love", "What Did You Do In the Revolution Dad"
and Steve Wonders " I Love Every Little Thing About You" were some of those songs which I still find on E-Bay from time to time. Thanks for your Question !!!


Question 32 Heather Asks: What is 98.6 about? or rather what does the number mean?

 Hello Heather,
        98.6 pertains to our body temperature when we are in perfect health, which in the song means that because of having this person in my life I am feeling wonderful. Thanks for your question !!!


Question 31 Zach Asks: Keith I am Zach Swenson , Steve Swenson, your old drummers son. I wanted to know if by any chance you had a picture of my dad you could possibly put on the website. Thank you very much, I really love your music and would be thrilled if you wrote me back.

 Hey Zach,
         Yes, we are in the process of adding a bunch of "Keith and the Wild Kingdom" photos. Tell your Dad I recently heard from Mike Johnstone, the lead guitar player from that band, for those who don't know and he is now playing for "The Riders of the Purple Sage". Stay tuned and
thanks for your interest !!!


Question 30 IKSALAP Asks: "Ain't Gonna Lie" is one of my favorite songs ever.  I just wanted to thank you for a great song I enjoy all these years  later.  Your follow up to "98.6" was a song penned by members of The Hollies, "Tell Me to My Face".  They were one of the biggest British invasion bands at the time, did you ever get to meet them?  How did you come to record that song?  


         It always puts a smile on my face when I hear that my music is still remembered in a positive way, and I truly appreciate it. Yes, I did meet the Hollies and they wrote "Tell Me To My Face" in roughly twenty minutes for me when we were doing "The Jimmy Saville" variety T.V show together in Manchester, England in 1967. Once again ,thanks for remembering and your question!


Question 29 Stan Asks: Hello Keith. I grew up in Philadelphia in the 50's and 60's. I've got a cousin still living there, Jerry Ross, who speaks of having worked with you.  He also mentioned that Linda Eastman, later McCartney, knew you and Jerry, and did some photography for you. 
Do you remember any interesting stories about that time and having worked with Jerry and Linda?  Still a fan.  Bought 98.6 as a brand new single when it was first released. 
  Take care.  Stan Saltzberg

Hello Stan,

     I don't know if your speaking of Jerry Ross my producer or Jerry Ross the very successful promotion man of that period, but either way I knew them both. Jerry, the producer, and I have just recently
re-established a working relationship and are working on a couple of projects as we speak. I have not been in touch with Jerry, the promotion man since those days.

 Linda and I were together for about a year and yes we met when she was taking my promo photos back in the late 60's. I was saddened by her passing as she was a wonderful woman. I'll always remember
us seeing "The Graduate", "Blow-up" and "Don't Look Back" together.
Thanks for thoughts and questions !!!


Question 28 Suzanne Asks: Hey Keith! Sue Seiler here!  How many years has it been since we've last seen each other?  I'm occasionally in touch with Chuck Kelly as I still do some singing at the shore points in  Jersey.  I pulled up Sulpizio's name and came upon his question to you.  I am so glad I did.   Hope all is well with you and yours and please drop me a line when you get the chance in your busy schedule.  Would love to see you if you ever come back out this way. 
Keep in touch!  Luv, SUZANNE
Hello Suzanne,
  It is wonderful to hear from you !!! I would have to say it has been possibly 35 or 36. WOW It's also great to hear your still singing. As you may or may not know a Cedar wood Reunion is in the works for sometime in the Fall so we all may be able to get together and enjoy those memories once again.
Thanks for the message and question !!!


Question 27 Mike Asks: Keith, I have your very first songs, [CARAVAN OF LONELY MEN] and [DREAM], Is it possible to have these songs put on a cd from an old record??? Also, I would like to thank you, for taking the time to send me the cd, all of us, in the old neighborhood, really miss you and we all hope the best for you, and your family. By the way, I think I am the only one from the olde gang, that has a copy from Keith and the Admirations, not even your old background singers have one. Once again, thank you. Mike R.    
Hey Mike,
 Yes it is possible. You merely download it from your stereo system onto your computer and then from your computer to your CD burner. I also think of all the great times we had and it's very heartwarming to know you all still do too. Thanks for your thoughts and question !!!


Question 26 Dc Asks: Hi Keith or Bazza if you prefer.  I recently found a copy of "The Adventures Of Keith" and was blown away!  It is an undiscovered masterpiece of the era without a doubt. 
Was there more material recorded from those sessions that didn't make the album? Who played on it? Any other info on it would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks for the music!

Hi dc,
        Thanks. "Adventures" was a fun project because I got to use my own musicians (not studio guys) and also play myself. Those were all the songs we recorded with some of them being written the day before the
sessions. "The Problem" being one example. It was my first record after leaving Mercury and R.C.A hooked me up with a new and young producer, Ted Darrel, who had had success with Jay and the Americans as well as others and they thought we would work well together, and they were right. Dave Jiminez (lead guitar), Joe Coyle and myself  (rhythm guitar), Dave Fiebert (bass) and my olde and dear friend to this day Rick Fox (drums) made up the band. Thanks for your questions !!!


Question 25 Barry Asks: Are You Really Keith The Mercury Recording Artist Who Gave Big Tips To His Engineer?

 Hi Barry Oslander,
        Yes it is !!! And I believe it was the other way around !!! Thanks for your question !!!


Question 24 John Asks: Hi Bazza! I collect music memorabilia and recently acquired a cancelled check that Frank Zappa wrote to you (on his Discreet Records account) for $20 dated 3-22-74. What were you working on in March 1974, and do you have any idea what the check was for? Thanks so much -- I'll have a cheese steak my next trip through Clifton Heights for you! John

(by the way -- if you want a xerox of the check for memory's sake I can send it out to you)

Hello John,
        I would believe I was issued that check while I was on tour with Frank and the Mothers when I was singing lead for the group. I was brought aboard after Mark and Howard ( of the Turtles and Flo and Eddie fame) left to pursue their own careers. Thanks for your thoughts and question!!!



Question 23 Gary Asks: Did you ever sing/record "Call Me" -- what album?

 Hello Gary,
     No, I didn't. But if my memory serves me right I believe it was recorded by Chris Montez who also had a big hit with "Lets Dance" in the late 50's or early 60's.
Thanks for your questions!


Question 22 Reeks Asks: Why can't we find 98.6 in any fake books or other sheet music compilations? My son and I had to spend hours transcribing it from the record (a happy task!). We think it is a perfectly produced song.

 Hi reeks,
  I have seen the KEITH piano/vocal/guitar songbook on E-Bay on various occasions or you may be able to find most songs on the internet if you simply type in the song title on a search engine. Good luck and thanks for your kind words and questions !!!


Question 21 P. Creveuil Asks: Hello, What is the meaning and origin of title of the song "Elea-Elea" (The Adventure of Keith, 1969) ? Is "Elea" a name ? Where was it found ?

Hello p.creveuil,
    Yes, Elea was the name of my fabulous lead guitar player and good friend Dave Jiminez' neice. He and I collaborated on many songs on "Adventures" and he did all the lead guitar work on the album as well. Thanks for your questions !!!


Question 20 Comet Jon Asks: Hello Bazza, How goes it? I was just wondering didn't you write a song called purple haze? What ever happened to it??

Hi Comtecjon,
    I'm doing great, except for a few problems with a laptop I just bought, but other than that "It's All Good".
In response to your "Purple Haze" query, I didn't write that but I did do a dance version of the Jimi Hendrix song in the early 90's that sadly was never released. You may however see it on the site one of these days
with download capabilities. Thanks, as always, for your questions !!!


Question 19 Mark Asks: Were you ever on the Ed Sullivan show? That was before my time (I was born in 1965).

Hello Mark,

        No, I was never on the Ed Sullivan show but I did encounter him one time at a popular New York niteclub called "Ondines" where a lot of big names in music would go to see such up and coming bands as The Doors, Buffalo Springfield, Clearlight and The Daily News. (Mick Jagger had his own corner booth) On this one particular night my friend and Jimi Hendrix Bass player Noel Redding and I were there to hear some new hot West Coast band, I forget which, and in walks Mr. Sullivan and his assistant and as he passes our table he gives us one of the dirtiest looks I had ever seen. I overhear him say to his assistant "Who's that ?".He whispers "That's Keith, the singer", and with this very disgusted look on his face they proceeded to a table where he would constantly turn all evening and give us the evil eye. I found out later that night that we were sitting at "HIS" table !!!Thanks for your question.


Question 18 Van Man Asks: Who were the two sound guys Bazza toured with in the 80's? They were phenomenal! Post the names of all the girls from the band too!
  Hey Van Man,
        Well, I would have to agree with you on their mixing prowess, but the two that pop out immediately are Curtis Smith and Mike Mc Call. Mr. Smith also would join me on stage on occasion for a rousing version of "Truckin' ".The Girls were Lisa (Bass), Dina (Drums), Terry (Lead Guitar), Christina (Keys) and Janine (Sax). Thanks for your question!!! 


Question 17 Mike Asks:  I noticed on e-bay that you have picked up some of your 98.6/Ain't Gonna Lie LP's in mono.  Recently I picked up a mint 45 promo copy of "There's Always Tomorrow" (great tune) with the flip side "I Can't Go Wrong".  The strange thing is that on "I Can't Go Wrong" I can hear a few things that were "mixed out" on the stereo mix.  I was wondering if they were actually mixed out or added (which I wouldn't think they would do for a b-side).  My LP & the Greatest "Mercury" hits CD from Japan are stereo so I would need to check a mono LP (which I don't have) or go to the source!  By the way, the store I got this white label promo had a second copy...let me know if you need one for your collection. Also, another b-side thing is that on "Our Love Started All Over Again"...I swear your vocal take on the 45 sounds just a bit different in your inflection on the lyrics. Does it sound different to you? I must tell you I was in heaven when I got the CD of your stuff.  Not only for the great "click free" stereo quality...but also for the stereo mix of "I'm So Proud"...with a cut off yet!   I like so many of your LP tracks along with the hits it's hard to believe you had so many great songs on the 2 Mercury LP's.   My wife is partial to "You'll Come Running Back To Me" and  "Mind If I Hang Around"...hey, she's got great taste! Thanks for the great music.

Hey Mike,

    Thanks for your E !!! I apologize for the time it has taken to reply but there don't seem to be enough hours in the day for me !!! To answer your question on "I Can't", that would be a question I will have to
direct to Jerry Ross the producer because he was the one who was solely involved with the mixing process of all my songs. And yes I would love to get that copy from you if it isn't a hassle !!!! On "Our Love" It might be that they took another take from that session which was also done back then. Thanks for you and your wife's kind words and for your questions!!! Peace, Love and Happiness.


Question 16 Russ Asks: I was wondering if you have any unreleased cuts from your mercury days you'll be eventually making available, at least to fan base. I , for one, would welcome any tidbit you could dig up .also, being a Philadelphian , did your paths ever cross with Todd Rundgren during his early years? Incidentally, wonderful website.

 Hi Russ,

   To answer your first question, all of the material I ever recorded for Mercury was released and is available on a 98.6/Keith's Greatest Hits CD that was released in Japan in 96 (500 copies) and is available at Jimmmmyr@aol. And, YES, Todd and I lived very close to each other and our paths crossed on many occasions. The first being when I was in High School and was working at a local pharmacy as a delivery/driver and would drop off perscriptions for his Mom at his home in Westbrook Park. Another time my band was auditioning for a gig at a local school function and a then young Todd approached me on stage and asked if he could audition to play Lead guitar for my band!!! (this was of course pre Nazz days)I had to turn him down. I would see the Nazz at a lot of local clubs over the years and mostly at the Main Point in my last days living in the area. In 87 I went to one of his performances at the Coach House in Southern California and gave my card to one of his people to see if he would be interested in producing me but never heard from him. I often wondered if he remembered that day I didn't let him audition.........

Thanks for thoughts and your question!!!


Question 15 Donald Asks : Glad to hear that you're writing a book. Your song 98.6 always lifts my spirits. What do you think of the music business now compared to when you first started?

 Hey Donald,

   Thanks for your kind words. I truly appreciate them !!! This is a question that I have been asked a lot on the recent radio interviews and my answer is that it just seems a lot easier  to get a song on the charts today because of the fact that their are so many more single artists, groups, and bands of so many different  varieties and styles of music that appeal to an equally vast variety of fans thus making the need for a lot more product and the ability for a lot more artists, groups and bands to get a chance to fill that need. I think that it's wonderful that this opportunity is there today for those that would not have been able to have been heard in the years past because they were not in the "rock" or "pop" classification. All in all I think the music business is in a healthy and productive place. Thanks for your question !!!!


Question 14 Qvcrep Asks: Keith, Are you the same Barry Keefer that went to Clifton Heights High and was one of Mrs. Christaldi's best art students? I graduated from there and was told that the Barry with the great eyes was Keith. It has been many years and finally I can get an answer. I still love 98.6 and Ain't Gonna Lie.
 Hi Qvcrep,

     WOW!!!! Mrs. Christaldi !!! There's a name from the past !!! Yes I was Barry Keefer until my Mom passed in the early 80's and I changed it to Bazza (Australian for Barry) the name she always called me. It's funny that you are getting in touch because I was just looking at my Yearbook not 2 days ago !!!When did you graduate and more importantly do I know you???  Let us know and thanks for your kindness and

thanks for your question !!!!


Question 13 Just Curious Asks: Dear Dr. Keith, I am constantly getting dizzy spells and am not able to discern certain colors any more.  Like green and black look the same as orange and pink.  Is this a sign of old age or is it because I played in a band with you many years ago? Signed, Just Curious

Bazza, The site is cool. While browsing it, I noticed a 45 rpm cover sleeve of a song you recorded called "I'm So Proud."  I don't remember our playing this on tour.  When was this recorded and was it a cover of the great Curtis Mayfield tune?  Keep in touch. Jim

 Hello Just Curious,
       I believe your problem might be caused by the constant viewing of the keys during those blazing solos you did when we played together. You were the BEST !!!! And you are correct about "I'm So Proud". 
I believe, since that song was one of the last I recorded on Mercury, we never added it to are repertoire. Thanks for the site cudoes and your questions !!!


Question 11 Dear Barry, In  your  reference to  jimmy, Sebastian Cabot  played  Mr. French, Brian Keith Played The Father. Don't Remember a Bear. Your sister Diana.
 Hey Diana,

    You are correct!!! Good catch !!! That question was so strange I merely answered it that way to add to the senders confusion and at the same time have a little fun myself !!! And you are right about the bear reference !!! Thanks for your input and question !!!


Question 10 Anthony Asks: My name is Anthony Sulpizio.  I hung around with you when you were part of the acapella group from Cedarwood (Glenolden, PA).  Do you remember Mike Robinson, Chuck Kelly and the rest of the crew?  The internet is a great thing.  I just typed your name into a search engine and there you were.  I hope life has been kind to you. 
 Hi Anthony,
          And YES of course I remember Mike and Nicky Panco and Bottacavoli (was it Louie???), Jack Nap, Jimmy Grugan, Spider, Sue and Chuck Kelly!!! Those were some of the best times of my life. I agree with you about the internet it is truly wonderful. Let me know what your up to these days and keep in touch. Thanks for the question !!!


Question 9 Lonesome Cowboy Asks: Can I ask more than one question? If not then that was it, I guess.  I've heard it's good to yawn alot to warm up your vocal chords before singing. Is this true and do you yawn as a warm up? How old were you when you formed your first rock band and when did you start touring? So that was more than one question just in that last sentence, I hope I'm not over my limit.

One last question. On your web-site, the writing on the question and answer part is really tiny and hard to read. Is there a way to make the words bigger? *

  Dear Lonesome Cowboy,

    Yes, as a matter of fact that is one of the many exercises I do to warm up along with a vigorous set of vocal scales which I have done religiously for many years. I put together my first " accapella "group when I was 15 and added instrumentation a couple of years later. I began touring when "Ain't Gonna Lie", my first single on Mercury Records ,became a hit in 1966. Thanks for your question !!!

(Webmaster note* The writing is set to "12", and I have tried to set it larger however it's too big, I have found that "12" is the best setting. If you find the writing hard to read, I would be happy to e-mail them to you each month in a larger font.)


Question 8 Cass Asks: What do you of think of the internet and how it is used in the promotion of artist's?

 Good question Cass !!!

      I think it is the best tool to come along in a long time for the introduction of artists and their music to an audience that might never have been aware of their existence!! Also the ability  to see these performers and listen to their old and/or new music is invaluable. I think it's wonderful!!! Thanks for your question!!!


Question 7 Garrett asks: "My name is Garrett Rheberg and I am 33 years old. I am a very big oldies but goodies lover. I recently went to Japan and came accross a cd made in Japan called 98.6-The best of Keith. I have been trying to find something for years with your albums on cd. It has the 98.6 LP and the Out of crank lp on it. I have been listening to it over and over again. You made some really good music. Anyhow my question is Did you have the same producer that Spanky And Our Gang had? Also do you know if the Adventures of keith will be made on CD? Thank you. Best Wishes Garrett Rheberg"

 Well thank you very much Garrett for those kind words and yes Spanky and our Gang as well as Jay and the Techniques ( Apple Peaches Pumpkin Pie) and Bobby Hebb (Sunny) were all produced by Jerry Ross and arranged by Joe Renzetti. As for Adventures on CD, I personally do not know but I would think so somewhere down the road. Thanks for your questions!!!


Question 6 Kenny asks: "Were you ever asked to record a song called "ST.Clair" which was also on the Mercury label on a 45 back around 1967 or so, but was recorded by a guy by the name of gosh, I forget the singer's name now, but he sure sounds like you, even though I know it wasn't. I have this song on a 45 on Mercury. I was just wondering if you turned the song down and it was given to this other singer instead, because it sure has that Keith style and sound. The chorus goes like this just in case you remember this song. "Lovely St.Clair such a young something. Go there go there go to lovely St.Clair". One last question were you ever asked to record the song "Brink Of Disaster" that Lesley Gore recorded also on Mercury, because this song also sounds like a Keith song as well? I know that neither of these songs were recorded by you as far as albums and 45's go, but was just wondering if you were asked if you were interested in recording these songs before they were given to Lesley Gore and that other artist of for the life of me I can't remember his name. will look for the 45 and when I find it will tell you who the singer was. Sorry Keith but my memory must be slipping."

 Dear Kenny,

    I'm sad to say, in reference to the song you mentioned entitled "St. Clair", though the title is familiar I cannot recall the artist who recorded it either. It was never offered or presented to me which is also the case with "Brink of Disaster". And Kenny yes if you do find out who recorded "St. Clair" I too would like to know!!! Thanks for your questions.


Question 5 (no name asks) "Have you ever met Paul Anka ? "

 Dear No Name,

    Yes I have. A year or so ago while working on the now defunct "Donny and Marie " show where he was a guest. And a great one at that!!! Thanks for your question.


Question 4 Jimmy asks "Dear Mr. Keith, I've always loved your work.  My question is, did the same guy who played Mr. French in "Family Affair" play the bear in "Gentle Ben?" Thanks, Mr. Keith!

 Dear Jimmy,

      I do believe you may have me confused with the wonderful and now DECEASED actor Brian Keith. HE played Mr. French on "Family Affair". As to who played the bear, I haven't the faintest
idea. But you may want to check and see if there is possibly a "Grizzly Adams" site and get in touch with them. I'm almost positive they will have an answer on that one !!!!Thanks for your question!!! *

(Webmaster note* Please see question #11 )


Question 3 Lothar asks "I was wondering if you were the guy who sung one of my all time favorites "You're D-Man. Mama?" It was back around the time of the Karmel's hit "Lil'l bitter soap" I think it made number three. Was that your follow up?

 Wow Lothar,

            You are right on the money!!! As a matter of fact I recorded "Mama", as I affectionately called it, right after I finished what, if my memory serves me right was my 2nd tour........... on MARS!!!!!
Thanks for your question!!


Question 2 Jennifer asks "Have you considered writing a book about yourself or your adventures in the music business? I am sure you have lots of stories and have met lots of people.

 Hi Jennifer!!

      Yes I have!!! The working title is "Crazy For Rock and Roll" and at this point it's on roughly 500 index cards. It chronicles such things as hanging out with the Beatles and Stones, living with Linda Eastman when we were going together, singing with Frank Zappa and loads of other stories!!! The problem I'm having though is to make it a coffee table book and do it in a series format or do it as an autobiography. But either way it's in the works!!! Thanks for your question!!!



Question 1 Sweetiestarr asks "Have you been working on any new material lately?

     Yes Sweetie I have. I've realized over the years that if music is in your blood it's there until you die!! As I said on the site I've been doing the theme songs for a couple of sit-com pilots that we're all hoping get picked to go into full production. I'm waiting for my writing partner to get back from a project in Nashville at the moment and when he does were heading into the studio to record some new material!!!! thanks for your question!!!

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